Monday, December 1, 2008

Quinton Tarantino: Stop Making Movies!!!!

Hey, It's P and J, we're been really busy this last month so we couldn't do any reviews but we got you covered in the future.
So anyway, I went to "Blockbuster" and was walking around.......walking around.....then I finally come across this movie called "Hell Ride". I look at it and think........hey "this movie is produced by Quinton Tarantino", can't be that bad.
After watching this movie, I should have went back in time to stop myself from checking out this movie. "Hell Ride" is a movie that has no purpose and a stupid plot. Quinton Tarantino thinks if it has guns, action, tough guys saying stupid sayings, and nudity......ITS A MOVIE!!!!.......wrong.
"Hell Ride fails to please any audience because it gives no plot just violence and gore. I actually thought this was going to be a good movie because in the back of my mind, I was thinking about "Dusk before Dawn" which was an awesome vampire movie Tarantino made. I kinda liked the Kill Bill series but his latest film "Planet Terror" was Stupid is what Stupid gets - Forrest Gump
PLEASE MR. TARANTINO, if you make a film, have someone like Clint Eastwood supervise

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